b'IntroductionTo write about yourself is not easy for a craftsman, partly because we are not practiced at the art and partly because blowing your own trumpet is not a comfortable thing.However, I have come to know many boats and many people over the last 30 years and therefore this seemed like a good time to record some of the really special boats and the special people that have played their part in creating Henwood & Dean, and to give the reader a view, from one boatbuilder and his boatyard, of how and why we work with boats built of wood.The seed of this idea began to grow from a chance meeting with Michael English when I was visiting Roger Bucknall, a wonderful guitar maker, with my musician daughter.Michael had produced a book for Roger which, with great clarity and honesty, explained Rogers story of craftsmanship and craftsman through words and photographs. I casually wondered if we could do the same. The forthcoming pages are not just about our boats; they are also about Michaels beautiful photographs, his designers eye and his enthusiasm for the project.11'